What we do

Latest News
Welcome to our new volunteers! If you would like to join up then please contact us to get involved. Each year we have the following volunteer roles available: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Newsletter/social media coordinator, and Projects coordinator.
Thank you for your help in our quest to continue to protect, conserve and advocate for our local Bayside environment.
Also, fees are now due for members as well – please download the membership form and send to info@baysidecreeks.org.au. Members are very gratefully received and the small cost makes a big difference to our operations and feeling of success! Thank you to existing members and we hope to hear from you soon.
Sign up to our newsletter here:
What’s New!

Bayside Creeks Catchment Group has new sub-groups forming most years. Get in touch if you have an idea for another sub-group, we’d love to hear from you.
Interested volunteers are sought for existing and new groups, email our Secretary on info@baysidecreeks.org.au for more information.

Bayside Clean Up Crew!
This new group meets monthly for a regular clean up down at Wynnum Esplanade. Each event involves a walk along the Esplanade to pick up rubbish to protect the beautiful and unique Moreton Bay. This is both a great way to meet new people and conserve our environment at the same time. Keep an eye on our facebook page for each monthly event as the time and location changes due to tide times.
Home Grown Plants Project
This new project run by Bayside Creeks Catchment Group supports volunteers in our community to grow native plants at home. Club members get a free home grown plants project kit, containing seed raising mix, vermiculite, trays and seeds. We share tips, successes and failures and hold regular events visiting our nurseries and collecting seed.

The Bayside Creeks Catchments Group (formerly the Bayside Environmental Network) have been restoring the health of the Wynnum, Lota and Lower Tingalpa Creeks and their catchments since 1991.
We strive to maintain and restore the ecological integrity and high bio-diversity values of the creeks and their catchments. We also aim to build and share a knowledge and understanding of these valuable ecosystems through community engagement, education, awareness and support.
Restoration and on-ground works are top priorities for us. As urban development continues to put increasing pressure on our precious environment the need to step in and reverse vegetation loss and improve the condition of existing bushland areas is more important than ever. We are working towards this goal through:
- Supporting bushcare groups
- Applying and managing grants to expand current restoration works
- Tree planting days with local community groups
- Providing opportunities for local businesses to get involved through corporate volunteering days and sponsoring sites.
If you’d like to join us – we’d love to hear from you. To find out how you can get involved or learn more about our natural environment email us or phone: President Charlie Robinson 0400 404 929, Treasurer Ian Curtis, Project Manager Keith Brown 0414 869 688, Secretary Robyn Gulliver.

Where we meet

Our committee meets on the 3rd Wednesday of every month. Councillor Peter Cummings kindly allows us the use of his office space and our meetings are held at his Wynnum/Manly Ward Office: 3a/212 Bay Terrace, Wynnum.
Coming events

Our Catchment Area
Moreton Bay and its waterways provide quality of life, amenity and social harmony, with activities including fishing, swimming, boating, scenic appreciation, tourism and recreation. Most important of all are the ecosystem services provided by mother through the biodiversity of landscape and wildlife all around us. These environmental values support our lifestyles and livelihoods and make the Bayside a wonderful place to be. Unfortunately they are under threat through development, pollution and pest impacts.
The Bayside catchments collectively cover an area of about 30 km2, in the Brisbane City local government boundary, with two major areas: Wynnum Creek Catchment and Lota/Lower Tingalpa Creek catchments.

Bayside Creek Catchment Group History
Our group formed out of the Bayside Environmental Network (BEN). This was first established in 1991, and renamed in 2006 in order to recognise the group’s focus on improving catchment and waterway health in the Wynnum, Lota and Lower Tingalpa Creek Catchments.
We now help four active Bushcare groups and one emerging group in the area. We run various events such as clean ups and community planting days, and also assist other local groups with various environmental and community activities. We also apply, manage and acquit a number of funding grants that help conserve the reserve areas. We act as representatives for the Bushcare groups and advocate for conservation and the environment across the Bayside area.

Our Funders
Bayside Creeks Catchment Group is very lucky to have the strong support of a number of funders, both past and present. In particular Brisbane City Council, through their establishment and management of the Bushcare project as well as through providing multiple funding grants have been crucial to our success.
We have also received support from the Federal Government, Port of Brisbane, and many others. Thank you all tremendously!
Contact Us

Drop us a line at info@baysidecreeks.org.au anytime!